Advantages and disadvantages of folding bicycle,mountain bicycle and road bicycle

The biggest advantage of the folding car is easy to carry, which other cars can not do.You can put it in the trunk and take it with you wherever you go, which is why it takes up so little space.

The disadvantage of folding car is: small tires, not easy to drive and poor comfort.These shortcomings are obvious to all, especially the comfort problem.It’s hard to pick up speed with small tires, for example.It is not easy to drive or understand, after all, it can be folded, and its stability is poor, so it requires a lot of technology.


Mountain bikes are good for off-road cycling, and I think they’re a great way to lose weight.Because of the mountain bike’s design, its seat is not used to sit on, but to provide support.When riding a car, the bottom is suspended state, almost is not sitting on the seat.The strength used in mountain biking is in the legs, thighs, and calves.Double waist, and arm support.


Road car speed is one of the fastest in this, the pursuit of speed people can choose.In addition, because it is a road car, the requirements on road conditions must be too large. The only thing that makes people unbearable is that the handlebars of the road car are too low. If you ride for a long time, your waist will certainly be unbearable.


Post time: Jun-29-2021